ZingGrid Changelog

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Release Information


Bug Fixes



Release Information


Bug Fixes



Release Information

Bug Fixes

  • Fix type definition file



Release Information

Bug Fixes

  • Fix type definition file



Release Information


  • Advanced Filtering
    • ZingGrid updated the filter feature to now support different filter conditions, such as "contains", "notContains", "equal", "beginsWith", "endsWith", and many more! Enable by including the [filter] attribute to check it out. Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 1 46 19 PM

    • The filter menu has many capabilities that are customizable. You can change the number of filter conditions to apply to the column or add your own custom condition. If you don't want to filter by conditions, you can even update it to selectbox options. Check out the different capabilities here! Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2 04 23 PM

    • The filter menu supports styling through CSS variables Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2 13 34 PM

    • The previous filter behavior is still available by setting [filter="inline"] Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 1 47 01 PM

    • Both inline and menu filtering can connect to your REST endpoints through <zg-param> to support server-side filtering. Just set the [loadByPage] and [serverFilter] params (filter menu additionally requires the [createFilterURL] param). Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2 22 13 PM

Bug Fixes



Release Information

Bug Fixes

  • Horizontal scroll on filtering with custom image renderers



Release Information

Bug Fixes




  • More button features for both <zg-button> and button column.
  • Other minor features:
    • Added [translate-newline] attribute to <zg-column> to allow to be set to "disable" to not convert \n to <br>
    • Added registerFilterer() API method to add custom filter to make custom filter available to ZingGrid when outside the window scope
    • Added which will not unset page, sort, search, filter, and columns on data change.
    • Update data sent to cell:copy and cell:paste to include the full cell data object and then string that is actually copied or pasted. ZGData now contains data and copiedValue
    • Added cell:beforecopy event. Can change the value of ZGData.copiedValue and that will be what is added to the user's clipboard.
    • If [context-menu] attribute is set to "browser" the default browser's contextmenu will be used.
    • Add parameter to API methods updateRecord() and updateRow() to disable row refresh after updating the data
    • Updated editor fields to use browser's autofill
    • Enabled [batch-edit] to be added to <zing-grid> without setting [editor] or [editor-controls]
    • Changed functionality of aggregate column head and foot cells to be the aggregate of column instead of totals on the grid when possible

Bug Fixes



Release Information


  • Batch Editing

    • ZingGrid has batch editing as a built-in feature. Enable by including the [batch-edit] attribute to start editing, inserting, and removing rows as a single action. Screen Shot 2023-09-05 at 2 39 58 PM
  • Custom Filter object

    • The custom filter object allows customizing part of or all of the filterer. Screen Shot 2023-09-05 at 2 51 31 PM
  • Other minor features:

    • Added in an <zg-cell-overflow> element to put in cell content that sits on top of grid

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with keyboard navigation and batch editing
  • Fixed issues with non-text column types that are rendered as text
  • Fixed batch editing validation
  • Fixed bug with radio column type
  • Fixed horizontal scroll bug
  • Added CSS variables for batch edit styles
  • Fixed issues with deleting previously added rows
  • Fixed problems with inserts that return the full dataset
  • Fixed problems with grids that subscribe to a dataset
  • Fixed UX issues with frozen rows and batch editing
  • Separated the batch edit message to it's own region in the <zg-control-bar>
  • Fixed issues with borders in Chrome
  • Prevented horizontal scrollbar from being added with gridlines
  • Allow batch editing even if editor is disabled
  • Ensure edits are always taken despite follow up action (filter, sort, page, etc)
  • Ensure edits are taken even if clicking 'save' before clicking out of the edit cell
  • Update status tokens to include fieldsEdited and recordsEdited
  • Ensure order of setBatchEdit() and setBatchEditStatus() does not matter
  • Fixed default response of getConfirmations()
  • Fixed recognition of user defined functions for deleteCustomFunction, createCustomFunction and updateCellCustomFunction
  • Fixed alignment issues with <zg-dialog>
  • Fixed batch editing theming for dark mode
  • Added tooltips for batch editing buttons
  • Fixed refresh functionality during batch edit
  • Fixed batch editing within grouped data
  • Fixed batch editing classes conflicting with [cell-class] and [col-class]
  • Fixed error with batch edit status displaying after save
  • Fixed a bug with required fields in insert
  • Fixed a bug with the count aggregate calculator
  • Fixed layout issue with [group-by] and Frozen Columns
  • Fixed "rtl" in aggregate when number begins string
  • Updated groupRowAggregate renderer to include values for each groupby index
  • Fixed radio inline editing style
  • Fixed header scroll bug with batch editing
  • Fixed focus issues
  • Fixed themed styles for batch editing
  • Fixed issues with editing the date column type
  • Updated the style of batch editing
  • Added Spanish values for batch editing
  • Fixed batch editing with [row-selector] removals
  • Fixed combinations of column generation attributes and defined columns
  • Fixed positions of column buttons in card mode
  • Fixed widths of batch editing in card mode
  • Fixed positions of batch editing buttons in card mode
  • Allow custom class functions to be defined after the grid
  • Changed default theme color of black theme
  • Fixed dialog color in the black theme
  • Fixed dynamic language change with batch editing
  • Implemented changes for black theme borders
  • Merged batch edit message changes
  • Only show <zg-control-bar> when <zg-control-bar> items are added to the grid
  • Unfocus edit on search button click
  • Updated [batch-edit] message to display inline if it fits, otherwise to display under the current row
  • Fixed error with aggregate renderers
  • Updates after removing [group-head-cell] attribute



Release Information

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed card to row layout bug



Release Information

  • Added API method deselectRows deselectRow and selectRow

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with row selection not resetting after refresh



Release Information


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with hierarchical header display when using header attribute
  • Fixed positioning of column resize handler
  • Fixed column resizing with [dir="rtl"] attribute
  • Fixed copy functionality
  • Fixed issues with dynamically changing a <zg-button> action attribute
  • Fixed issues with dynamically changing a <zg-text> value attribute
  • Fixed fullscreen display
  • Fixed display issues with [pageSizeCard]
  • Fixed scrolling bug between row and card mode
  • Fixed draggable column bugs
  • Fixed issues with draggable columns within mobile
  • Fixed issues with removing data after load
  • Allowed ZGParam[name="recordPath"] to work with static data
  • Fixed bugs with setting proper default editor mode based on layout
  • Fixed alignment of filter components
  • Fixed keyboard navigation issues
  • Fixed keyboard navigation with [dir="rtl"]
  • Fixed gridline display issue
  • Updated custom callback code to callback functions even if defined after <zing-grid>
  • Updated saving record issues with using custom columns and editrecord buttons
  • Fixed problem with scroll to load functionality
  • Fixed keyboard navigation issues
  • Fixed header on aggregate column changes
  • Fixed the dynamic updating of [typeAggregateOmit]
  • Fixed keyboard navigations issues including focus lost and inability to access areas
  • Fixed refresh issues with [footCell] and [headCell] aggregations
  • Fixed bug with [footCell] fields not updating on grid data changes
  • Fixed bug with changing caption text
  • Fixed a bug with tooltips and scrolling
  • Fixed a bug with [cellClass] and [colClass] in card mode
  • Fixed a bug with <zg-load-mask> displaying properly
  • Fixed bugs with modifying custom card renderers or templates after loading
  • Modified the position of the context menu if it is on the right of the screen
  • Fixed display issues with the [footCell]
  • Fixed issues with date sorting
  • Fixed keyboard navigation issues
  • Fixed bug with postload change in [filterer] attribute
  • Fixed mouse selection visual bug
  • Fixed bug with refreshing after page-size change
  • Fixed bugs with touch features in mobile
  • Fixed display issue with headers in card mode
  • Fixed bugs with column width calculations
  • Fixed bugs with dynamic updating of color column attributes
  • Also fixed issues with template, colgroup, and renderer
  • Added rowgroup option to state management to preserve the opened groups on reload
  • Fixed issues with [serverRendered] grids and row grouping
  • Fixed button alignment in row grouping and frozen columns
  • Enabled rowNumber feature to work properly with row grouping



Release Information


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with template, colgroup, and renderer



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed edit row scrolling bug
  • Fixed edit cell scrolling bug
  • Fixed edit cell > edit row bug



Release Information


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with clearing the state
  • Fixed state manager and table data bugs
  • Fixed issues with table data source
  • Fixed table parsing bugs
  • Changed decimal behavior in number, currency, and percentage column types to use the Javascript default. Can override with typeNumberMinDecimals, typeNumberMaxDecimals, and/or typeNumberDecimals.
  • Reimplemented typePercentageDecimals and typePercentageMaxDecimals
  • Fixed issue with going from custom context menu to built in
  • Fixed issue with updating staticMenu
  • Fixed issues with currencyRenderer
  • Fixed issues with recordKey column type
  • Fixed default zebra striping to work with frozenRows
  • Fixed bug processing data when the data object has a '.' in the key value. The '.' is used for data path and hierarchical columns. You can set this to another key or disable it by setting the nesteddataseparator attribute on <zing-grid>
  • Fixed refreshGrid bug



Release Information


  • Added server side filtering functionality
  • Added [filterkey] attribute on By default, the filter key will be the field index.
  • Added serverFilter boolean to This and loadByPage are required to turn on server side filtering

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed default zebra striping to work with frozenrows
  • Fixed bug processing data when the data object has a '.' in the key value. The '.' is used for data path and hierarchical columns. You can set this to another key or disable it by setting the [nesteddataseparator] attribute on



Release Information


  • Added setFrozenColumnsRight()
  • Added setFrozenColumnsLeft()
  • Added getFrozenColumnsRight()
  • Added getFrozenColumnsLeft()
  • Added <zg-param> option to escape or disable escaping of HTML in RSS
  • Auto populate typeSelectOptions from data if not set by user
  • Added preserving state on refresh
  • Added bodyRowIndex to event object Added frozenRowClass to <zing-grid>
  • Added parentArea and bodyRowIndex to parameters for rowClass functions
  • Added new column type: percentage which renders as a percentage and edits as a number
  • Added [typePercentageDecimals] and [typePercentageMaxDecimals] to indicate number of decimals to display for percentage type
  • Added [typeSelectDefaultValue] attribute for select column types. It will set the default select option on new records and if no value set on edit.
  • Added openRowEditor() method to <zing-grid> This will take a rowindex and open that row in edit mode if the editor is turned on
  • Added creator attribute to <zing-grid> to specify 'inline' or 'modal' editor type for new records

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with nested grids
  • Fixed bugs with draggable columns
  • Fixed bugs with focus
  • Fixed bug with tooltip[feature]
  • Enabled closing dialog by pressing 'esc' key
  • Fixed width of the selector column
  • Fixed bug with changing filterindex after load
  • Improved functionality of RSS input
  • Handle CDATA blocks
  • Handle whitespace
  • Fixed automatic headers
  • Memory Removal Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issues with adding/removing staticMenu attribute when having and not having a caption
  • Fixed issues with updating the filterindex
  • Changed the typeColorPreview turnoff state to be disabled to be consistent with other attributes
  • Fixed issue with frozen columns and align attribute
  • Fixed issue with event handling on frozen rows
  • Fixed several bugs that occurred when all rows are frozen
  • Fixed setting cellBreak on columns with frozen rows
  • Fixed setting style attribute on cells in frozen rows
  • Fixed icon location within frozen rows
  • Fixed issue with header and footer frozen rows styling during column drag
  • Fixed problem with frozen footer rows and removing columns
  • Fixed problem with frozen footer rows and frozen columns
  • Fixed removing compact attribute bug
  • Fixed bugs with setting data to an empty set after load
  • Fixed focusing issue with frozen rows
  • Fixed frozen row problems with hiding columns
  • Fixed issues with changing number of frozen rows after loading
  • Frozen Row Bugs
  • Fixed issue with cellClass in frozen rows
  • Fixed bug with frozen columns when all rows are frozen
  • Fixed bug with row indexing and events
  • Included frozen rows in zebra
  • Fixed bug with data being returned for rowClass functions
  • Fixed bugs with insert row event handling
  • Fixed bug in select editor when name/value pairs are set
  • Fixed bug with filter and refresh
  • Fixed editing bugs
  • Fixed bugs with auto adding and removing the caption
  • Fixed bugs with selector in frozen rows
  • Fixed bug with hierarchical column navigation
  • Fixed bug with dir attribute being removed
  • Fixed the CSS parts overlap within <zg-dialog>
  • Fixed focus bug with frozen rows
  • Fixed issues with user defined <zg-caption> being overwritten by automatic caption
  • Improved copy cell functionality
  • Fixed keyboard navigation issues when dir="rtl"
  • Fixed bug with inserting new row in grid with frozen rows
  • Fixed css classes on focusing and unfocusing with frozen rows
  • Fixed bug with data:record:insert not firing on insert of remote data when full dataset is returned
  • Fixed bug with hiding/showing columns



Bug Fixes

Fix import for ZingGrid object.



Release Information

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with nested grids
  • Fixed bugs with draggable columns
  • Fixed bugs with focus
  • Fixed bug with tooltip[feature]
  • Added setFrozenColumnsRight(), setFrozenColumnsLeft(), getFrozenColumnsRight(), getFrozenColumnsLeft()
  • Enabled closing dialog by pressing esc key
  • Fixed width of the selector column
  • Fixed bug with changing filterindex after load
  • Improved functionality of RSS input
  • Handle CDATA blocks
  • Handle whitespace
  • Added <zg-param> option to escape or disable escaping of HTML in RSS
  • Fixed automatic headers
  • Memory removal bug fixes
  • Auto populate typeSelectOptions from data if not set by user
  • Fixed issues with adding/removing staticMenu attribute when having and not having a caption
  • Fixed issues with updating the filterindex
  • Changed the typeColorPreview turnoff state to be disabled to be consistent with other attributes
  • Fixed issue with frozen columns and align attribute
  • Fixed issue with event handling on frozen rows
  • Fixed several bugs that occurred when all rows are frozen
  • Fixed setting cellBreak on columns with frozen rows
  • Fixed setting style attribute on cells in frozen rows
  • Fixed icon location within frozen rows
  • Fixed issue with header and footer frozen rows styling during column drag
  • Fixed problem with frozen footer rows and removing columns
  • Fixed problem with frozen footer rows and frozen columns
  • Fixed removing compact attribute bug
  • Fixed bugs with setting data to an empty set after load
  • Fixed focusing issue with frozen rows
  • Added preserving state on refresh
  • Fixed frozen row problems with hiding columns
  • Fixed issues with changing number of frozen rows after loading
  • Frozen row bugs
  • Fixed issue with cellClass in frozen rows
  • Fixed bug with frozen columns when all rows are frozen
  • Fixed bug with row indexing and events
  • Added bodyRowIndex to event object
  • Added frozenRowClass to <zing-grid>
  • Added parentArea and bodyRowIndex to parameters for rowClass functions
  • Included frozen rows in zebra
  • Fixed bug with data being returned for rowClass functions



NEW FEATURE: Frozen Columns

Now, you can freeze, or fix, columns to both sides of your grid. See the documentation for more information. Demo.


The following attributes have been renamed:

  • <zg-column draggable> is now <zg-column drag>
  • <zing-grid draggable> is now <zing-grid column-drag>
  • get/setDraggable() are now get/setColumnDrag()
  • <zing-grid drag-action> is now <zing-grid column-drag-action>
  • get/setDragAction() are now get/setColumnDragAction()
  • <zg-column color-mode> is now <zg-column type-color-mode>
  • <zg-column color-preview> is now <zg-column type-color-preview>


  • Added [frozen] attribute to <zg-column>
  • Enabled dragging columns between frozen and main. Demo
  • Added zg-column attribute [filter-index] to indicate the index that should be searched on a column filter
  • Added setFrozenColumnsRight()
  • Added setFrozenColumnsLeft()
  • Added getFrozenColumnsRight()
  • Added getFrozenColumnsLeft()
  • Added ability for Grid to respond to being made visible after being hidden. The grid will automatically update its size parameters
  • Added in <zg-frozen-colgroup> selector to style frozen column mask when this occurs.
  • Added data:record:openinsert event handler
  • Added CSS variables for frozen column elements: --zing-grid-freeze-style-border and --zing-grid-freeze-style-box-shadow
  • Added a type definition file

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with footer and frozen column interactions
  • Fixed issues with footer and reordering columns
  • Fixed issues with footer and vertical gridlines
  • Fixed bugs with draggable columns
  • Fixed bugs with focus
  • Fixed bug with tooltip
  • Fixed pixel errors
  • Fixed issues with hierarchical headers and frozen columns
  • Fixed issue with resizing into card mode
  • Fixed issues with grid padding on resize
  • Fixed scrolling event handler
  • Fixed bug with sorting styles



Notable Fixes

  • Fixed Github API Integration



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with horizontal scroll and paging
  • Fixed issue with zgcolumns inside of zgcell data
  • Fixed issue with new line in data attribute
  • Fixed issue with horizontal scroll and server side sort



Release Information

  • Added typeimagesrc attribute to allow image src to be partially formed from index values
  • Fixed bug with image sizing

Bug Fixes

  • Added pageRowIndex to click event to show the index on the page of the selected cell
  • Fixed bug with custom menu items click throughs
  • Fixed bug with resizing after container is hidden on load
  • Fixed bugs that occur when no data or src attributes are set.
  • Fixed issue with double arrows on heirarchical columns
  • Fixed issue with resizing into card mode
  • Fixed issues with draggable reordering after hiding columns
  • Fixed issues with grid padding on resize
  • Fixed issues with initial layout when grid is hidden on render
  • Improved updateRecord Functionality
  • Updated removeRecord to work with array of object data
  • Fixed alignment of header tooltips
  • Fixed column resizing after editing a cell or row
  • Fixed column resizing on manually call to updateSize
  • Added recordIndex and columnIndex into cell event data
  • Added updateCellByPosition API method
  • Added updateCellByID API method
  • Fixed spacing in edit modals
  • Fixed casing in edit modals
  • Fixed layout in status messages
  • Fixed dynamic updates in status positions
  • Added decimal steps, min, and max to range columns
  • Added support for comma separated lists in zebra values
  • Fixed issues with selector column type and iconSet
  • Fixed conflicts with staticMenu and contextMenu
  • Fixed displaying staticMenu and selector column when no caption
  • Updated getEditor API method to return dynamic value instead of user set value
  • Fixed issues with celleditor
  • Fixed dynamic changes to footcell
  • Fixed bug with sorting null values
  • Fixed bug with editing escape characters



Release Information

  • Added typeimagesrc attribute to allow image src to be partially formed from index values Fixed bug with image sizing Bug Fixes
  • Fixed bug with custom menu items click throughs
  • Fixed bug with resizing after container is hidden on load
  • Fixed issue with resizing into card mode
  • Fixed issues with grid padding on resize
  • Fixed issues with initial layout when grid is hidden on render
  • Improved updateRecord Functionality
  • Updated removeRecord to work with array of object data
  • Fixed alignment of header tooltips




-<zing-grid draggable>

Notable Fixes

  • IOS device multiple resize events firing causing performance issues

New Documentation




-Fixed column type image problems




  • Added align property to <zing-grid>
  • Updated code for align in <zg-column>
  • Added following attributes to <zing-grid> and <zg-column> to match similiar attributes for cellheaderx [celltooltipaction] [celltooltipposition] [celltooltiprenderer] [celltooltiptemplate] [celltooltiptype]
  • Added following attributes on <zing-grid> and <zg-column> to delay displaying the tooltip on hover. [celltooltipdelay] [headertooltipdelay]
  • Added following attributes on <zing-grid> and <zg-column> to set icon for tooltip trigger [celltooltipicon] [headertooltipicon]
  • Added column type info Added keyboard navigation for tooltip display
  • Added the following attributes to both <zing-grid> and <zg-column>
  • [headerTooltipAction] Sets the execution method of custom 'icon' type tooltips to either activate on hover or click
  • [headerTooltipIconPosition] Sets the tooltip icon position for the tooltip icon in the header cells
  • [headerTooltipPosition] Sets the tooltipposition for the header cell
  • [headerTooltipRenderer] Gets the name of the user's custom render function, on window, to use the function's return value as the tooltip content.
  • [headerTooltipTemplate] Points to an external template element to be used as the template for the header tooltip
  • [headerTooltipTrigger] Sets what part of the header triggers the tooltip. If set to 'icon', an info icon is added to the header
  • [headerTooltipType] Sets the style to use for the tooltips. Uses the default style by default. Can set to system to match the tooltips used on icons throughout zinggrid
  • Added to <zg-column>: [headerTooltipText] Sets the tooltip string for the header cell of the column. Can pass this value to renderer or template
  • Added window event zinggridavailable that fires when the library is loaded
  • Added in double click resizing
  • Added in <zing-grid> attribute [columnresizablepersistent] and attribute[resizablepersistent]`

Bug Fixes

  • Infinite Scroll Bug Fixes
  • Fixed several issues with column resizing
  • Changed <zg-nodata> to <zg-no-data>
  • Fixed bug with custom templates
  • Fixed issue with bogus tokens in URLs Fixed issue with server side sorting on load
  • Fixed dynamic adding and removing of <zg-selector-mask>
  • Fixed multiple cell/single row select and copy bug
  • Fix issue with editortemplate being set on a single column and forcing modal edit.
  • Fixed bug with menuitems not being keyboard navigable in static menu
  • Fixed bug with internal controls column width size
  • Fixed issue with pageindex attribute on <zg-button>
  • Made changes to the Date library to handle safari's processing
  • Allow resize of columns while row editing
  • Fixed bug with forcing resize handlers on system column types
  • Fixed bug with rowselector being enabled twice
  • Fixed issue with rowselector value being updated
  • Fixed bug with quick back to back resize
  • Fixed various alignment issues with column tooltips
  • Fixed bug with edit and search overlap
  • Bug fixes for initial tooltip release


  • Allow resize of columns while row editing
  • Fixed bug with forcing resize handlers on system column types
  • Fixed bug with rowselector being enabled twice
  • Fixed issue with rowselector value being updated



Release Information

  • Major Performance Enhancement Changes (tested at 1k/10k rows)
  • Added updateRowOptions as an option for <zgparam> as a shortcut for updateOptions: {row: ...
  • Added updateCellOptions as an option for <zgparam> as a shortcut for updateOptions: {cell: ... If serverErrorPath is set, but serverErrorMessage is not, serverErrorMessage defaults to [[serverMessage]]
  • Added typeurlsrc as an attribute to <zg-column>
  • Allow typeurlsrc to have tokens
  • Updated edit templates to allow <select> elements to have token values set: <select name="storyType" value="[[record.story_type]]">
  • Updated typeselectoptions attribute to allow the first entry to be set with value '' and name to be displayed for the blank entry: typeselectoptions='[{"name": "ALL", "value": ""}, 123, 456, 789]'
  • Added in card object to new ZingGrid config syntax Fixed bugs with typebuttonicon, typebuttonlabel, typebuttondisabled being updated on change
  • Added typedatefromnow attribute to date columns to display date as 'ago/in' times
  • Added F token to date format to display formatted columns in ago/in times
  • Added zgRef.formatDate and zgRef.fromNow API methods to use in renderers
  • Added ZingGrid.formatDate and ZingGrid.fromNow API methods
  • Added textarea to be able to use with tokens in add/edit forms
  • Added [columnwidth] attribute to <zinggrid> to set the column width for every column
  • Added typenumbermaxdecimals attribute to number columns to indicate the maximum number of decimals to display
  • Added typenumberdecimals attribute to number columns to indicate the exact number of decimals to display
  • Added color editor to save as original type
  • Added typeselectoptions to accept name/value pairs
  • Added gravatar celltype Added support for array based data in columns
  • Added arrayindex attribute to indicate which property of an array object to use after the slice: In the case of status[0].title, the arrayindex would be set to title.
  • Added arrayslice attribute to indicate which index or indexes to render to the column
  • Added support for direct array access in <zg-column> index attribute: status.0 or status.1
  • Added support for last item in an array access in <zg-column> index` attribute: status.1
  • Added details renderer to view more details on column click
  • Added detailsrenderer attribute to <zg-column>
  • Added detailstemplate attribute to <zg-column>
  • Added render support for \n in string
  • Updated button column type to have the following attributes: typebuttonlabel, typebuttonicon, typebuttondisabled, typebuttonurl, typebuttonhandler
  • Update first four attributes above to accept values in token format: [[record.label]]
  • Added in card attribute to <zinggrid> which will take an object with the card settings

Bug Fixes

  • Allow server error messages to be set on read requests
  • Fixed bug with serverErrorMessage being set to [[serverMessage]]
  • Fixed bug with setCardTemplate to not require a card to already exist before using
  • Fixed bug with firebase collection and deleting rows
  • Fixed bug when setting columns after load
  • Changed removeRow and updateRow to take a row index as parameter
  • Added removeRecord and updateRecord that takes a row ID as parameter
  • Allow nodata text to display when no src or data is set
  • Fixed nodata dynamic change Fixed bugs with modifying cell edit status after load
  • Modified detailsRenderer to be able to return a string that will be the contents of the dialog
  • Modified renderer to be able to return a string that will be the contents of the cell
  • Fixed bug with arrayslice Fixed minor spanish issues in es.js
  • Fixed bug with toggle name/value pairs
  • Fixed bug with celleditor being disabled
  • Fixed loadByPage issues with startAtValue and paging
  • Fixed loadByPage issues with inserts that return the full dataset
  • Dynamically update <zg-column> typeelementattributename and typeelementtagname attributes
  • Dynamically update <zg-column> typeiframeratio attribute
  • Fixes with iframe width render
  • Dynamically update <zg-column>, typeimagealt and typeimagemask attributes
  • Dynamically update <zg-column> typeurltext and typeurlicon attributes
  • Dynamically update <zginput> type attribute
  • Dynamically update <zginput> action attribute
  • Added card header when row selector is turned on, but edit controls are not
  • Fixed issues with insert record showing up in context menu when it should not
  • Fixed issue with insert record here showing up in context menu when it should not
  • Fixed typeselectoptions to be flexible in data received in array format
  • Fixed setNoData() issues
  • Fixed dynamic update of typenumberformatting
  • Fixed sorting of checkboxes
  • Fixed sorting of mixed data types
  • Fixed dynamic update of typecheckboxlabel
  • Fixed typeRadioOptions with object instansitation
  • Fixed filter with comma separated items
  • Updated local updates to display update message
  • Updated registerNamespace to allow for an unnamed default
  • Fixed issues with server side sorting Small performance fixes
  • Fixed bug with editor when index is in array form
  • Fixed bug with editor when index is in negative array form
  • Fixed bug with details renderer when arrayslice is used
  • Fixed bug with server sorter
  • Fixed big bug with nodata and then loading data
  • Fixed bug with cell:render event
  • Fixed bug with <zgsearch> losing focus on click
  • Fixed <zg-pager> Border Issue
  • Fixed the pager's borderbottom variable to include the missing generic zgpagerborder value as its fallback, to match the other borderside values.
  • Namespaced boxshadow CSS variableChanged boxshadow to a namespaced zgboxshadow to better help avoid parentscope bleed,and to bring it in line with the other grid variables.
  • Fixed issue with header width after removing all rows
  • Update value attribute on <zgcell> if value is updated Display no label on button if index is undefined
  • Allow filterColumn API method to match on value or text Fixed bug with typeselectoptions not updating the filter
  • Updated server side sort to work with URL tokens
  • Fixed bug with sort attribute not dynamically updating
  • Updated range column type to display as a number
  • Fixed bug with range validation Fixed bug with contextmenu "Insert Here" option
  • Fixed bug with rownumber not presenting in card header
  • Fixed bug with selector column not being displayed with editorcontrols turned on
  • Fixed bug with editor column not being displayed with selectorcontrol turned on
  • Fixed discrepencies with numbers attributes and being set via attribute or property
  • Fixed bugs with server side sorting/searching and refreshing
  • Fixed bug between staticmenu and selector
  • Cleaned up data returned in grid:select event
  • Fixed bug with removing grid with custom buttons
  • Fixed issues with user's custom <zg-menu>
  • Removed dead code Fixed issues with changing index on <zg-column>
  • Fixed header issues with details dialog
  • Fixed display bugs with details dialog
  • Fixed issues with server side sorting on load
  • Fixed dynamic updating of cellbreak on <zg-column>
  • Fixed bug with cellbreak not being honored on <zg-column>
  • Fixed bug with clearing typeselectoptions attribute
  • Fixed bug with setting sorter attribute to invalid method
  • Fixed bug with removing sort attribute from <zg-column>
  • Fixed bug with copying null data
  • Fixed expected behavior for [confirmDelete] when set to false in js
  • Add ZGCaption when [rowSelector] enabledAdding the caption when feature is enables allows access to button to remove selected rows.




  • Change <zgparam> buildRestUrl to restmode
  • Added celleditor attribute to turn off cell editing when editor or editorcontrols are set When celleditor is set to disabled and editor is turned on, double click edits the row
  • Added XHTTPMethodOverride header when sending POSTs for PUT, DELETE, and PATCH Modified before CRUD events to allow manipulation of data
  • Modified validator to allow manipulation of data
  • Added ability to connect to Firebase SDK subscription
  • Added <zgparam> name subscription to set to true
  • Added ability to cancel certain actions via before event handlers. Use event.preventDefault:
    • data:record:beforedelete
    • data:record:beforechange
    • data:cell:beforechange
    • data:record:beforeinsert
  • Added display message when no records are found in the grid
    • To customize message, added [nodata] attribute on <zinggrid>
    • To customize message, added <zgnodata> element that can be created under <zinggrid>
  • Return the value of the id field on <zgcolumn index="recordkey"></zgcolumn> when data is array of objects (previously only worked on named objects)
  • Added <zgparam> options for setting server error message
    • serverErrorMessage Sets the error message to display for the server error
    • serverErrorPath Sets the path to the error message in the case of a JSON response
  • Added token [[serverMessage]] to place returned message from the server in the error message
  • Added numbertypeformatter attribute to turn off auto formatting
  • Added validators
    • date
    • url
    • email
    • range
  • Added support for custom validators
  • Added ZingGrid.registerValidator API method
  • Added built in Number Validator
  • Added validation error class to ZGDialog and ZGEditorRow
  • Added validation error message to ZGDialog and ZGStatus
  • Added <zinggrid> attribute validationerrormessage
  • <zgparam> New Options
    • buildRestUrl True by default. Set to false to prevent REST URLs from being constructed
    • urlSuffix If using REST URLs, set a suffix to be appended to the URL. Usually an extension or a slash
  • <zgparam> Shortcuts
    • createSrc
    • readSrc
    • updateRowSrc
    • updateCellSrc
    • deleteSrc
    • createMethod
    • readMethod
    • updateRowMethod
    • updateCellMethod
    • deleteMethod
  • Added record token parsing within a URL Added django as an adapter option
  • Added support for required columns for editing
  • Added [required] attribute for <zgcolumn>
  • Added [validationrequiredmessage] for <zgcolumn>
  • Added [validationrequiredmessage] for <zinggrid>

Notable Fixes

  • Fixed issue with src being set on <zgdata> or in <zgparam>
  • Fixed issues with 204 responses on PUT, PATCH, and DELETE
  • Fixed the 'multicell' selector in card layout from overlapping the cell content below it. Changed the location of the selector checkbox inside the card cell to the righthand edge.
  • Added fullwidth to the <cite> element inside <zgsource> shadowDOM to fill the horizontal space. zgsourcetextalign now works as intended.
  • Fixed issues with zgstatus closing
  • Fixed bug where data is added to grid when server returns error Fixed bug where editor mode is turned on when editorcontrols is set to "false" or "disabled"
  • Fixes for dynamic <zgparam> additions and removals
  • Fixed bug with custom deleteBody
  • Fixed issues with dynamic updating of <zgcolumn>
